Mars InSIght

Autor Acheron, 27.11.2018. u 08:14:58 sati

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0 Članovi i 1 Gost pregledava ovu temu.


Zapravo je bila opcija da ju pokušaju lagano pritisnuti mehaničkom rukom i nastaviti bušenje.
Sve u svemu riskantno je što god da rade, ali druge nema.

Ili poslat Popravljača bicikla iz Monty Pythona.


InSight je maknuo zaštitni poklopac s malja i pritom otkrio kako je rupa dvostruko šira od samog malja. Ovakvo ponašanje tla ukazuje kako je ono veoma porozno i da se prilikom udaraca malja sabija, umjesto da pruža otpor od kojeg bi malj odskočio dublje. Zamislite da zabijate čavao u snijeg!
Rješenje je u instrumentu koji je slučajno završio na landeru - malenoj lopatici. Nakon što znanstvenici prouče rupu oko malja, iskoristit će lopaticu da sabiju tlo oko njega kako bi omogućili stvaranje potrebnog otpora.


Joj, ako kažu par tjedana do mjeseci bojim se da je to bar godina dana.
Pa ako se pokažu i drugi problemi....
Planirana misija je oko Marsove godine. Dakako da se svaka misija premaši, ali...

(Jel da prštim optimizmom  *zubko* )


Bušilica je proradila!

Success! NASA Confirms the Mole is Working Again.

After months of setbacks, NASA says that the InSight Lander's Mole is working again.

InSight landed on Mars on Nov. 26 2018 in Elysium Planitia. Its mission is to study the interior of the planet, to learn about how Mars and other rocky planets formed. InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat Transport) is a NASA mission with other partners, including the DLR (German Aerospace Center.)

    "The mole still has a way to go, but we're all thrilled to see it digging again."
    Troy Hudson, JPL.

The Mole, or Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3,) was designed and built by the DLR. It penetrates the Martian surface and measures the heat flowing from the planet's interior. It works like a hammer drill, pounding and rotating its way into the ground.



| Montaža: NEQ-6 PRO GoTo SkyScan | Teleskopi: SkyWatcher MAK 127 / 1500 i Celestron 11 SCT 280 / 2800 |
| Fotoaparati: EOS 450D i 650D | Astrokamere: Astrolumina QHY 5-II-c i ZWO ASI462MC planetary camera |
| Filtri: Baader AstroSolar i Baader UV/IR cut and Luminance | Dvogledi: Panorama 8 x 56 i TS 20 x 90 |
| Lokacija: φ = 45°49'11" N,  λ = 17°21'26" E,  h = 136 m. |


Nakon uspješnog povratka u rad opet pi*darijama, krtica je iskočila iz rupe skroz


next time ukrcat nekog balkanca i stemalicu sa busilicom pa da vidis kako se radi
salu na stranu, cini se kako ce ovo biti nepremostiv problem, mozda su naisli na armaturu sta marsovci stavljaju u svoj beton ispod povrsine :)
"Nitko nije učinio veću grešku od osobe koja nije učinila ništa jer je mogla učiniti malo"
Edmund Burke


Mislim da bi se više usrećili da su koristili nešto na principu svrdla. Meni je ova "krtica" neobično rješenje.
Malo sam i razočaran što robotska ruka nije "jača" kako bi pritisnula krticu.


E sad znaju kakvo je tamo tlo pa ništa jednostavnije nego poslat još jednu misiju s odgovarajućim alatom.
Sigurno će oni pokušat još puno toga ali sad je već pitanje vremena rada, ako to jednom i proradi.


Umjesto ove krtice trebali su ubaciti štapić dinamita... rupa do Marsovske Kine zagarantirana


Nema baš vijesti o bušenju rupe na Marsu, krtica stalno iskače.
Nešto sam pročitao da će sada krticu pritisnuti robotskom rukom prilikom zabijanja. Mogao bi se cijeli lander tresti. Nadam se da će seismograf sve to zabilježiti :)


RIP: Mars digger bites the dust after 2 years on red planet

NASA declared the Mars digger dead Thursday after failing to burrow deep into the red planet to take its temperature.

Scientists in Germany spent two years trying to get their heat probe, dubbed the mole, to drill into the Martian crust. But the 16-inch-long (40-centimeter) device that is part of NASA's InSight lander couldn't gain enough friction in the red dirt. It was supposed to bury 16 feet (5 meters) into Mars, but only drilled down a couple of feet (about a half meter).

Following one last unsuccessful attempt to hammer itself down over the weekend with 500 strokes, the team called it quits.

"We've given it everything we've got, but Mars and our heroic mole remain incompatible," said the German Space Agency's Tilman Spohn, the lead scientist for the experiment.

The effort will benefit future excavation efforts at Mars, he added in a statement. Astronauts one day may need to dig into Mars, according to NASA, in search of frozen water for drinking or making fuel, or signs of past microscopic life.

The mole's design was based on Martian soil examined by previous spacecraft. That turned out nothing like the clumpy dirt encountered this time.

InSight's French seismometer, meanwhile, has recorded nearly 500 Marsquakes, while the lander's weather station is providing daily reports. On Tuesday, the high was 17 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 8 degrees Celsius) and the low was minus 56 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 49 degrees Celsius) at Mars' Elysium Planitia, an equatorial plain.

The lander recently was granted a two-year extension for scientific work, now lasting until the end of 2022.

InSight landed on Mars in November 2018. It will be joined by NASA's newest rover, Perseverance, which will attempt a touchdown on Feb. 18. The Curiosity rover has been roaming Mars since 2012.

Trebalu su Brucea Willisa poslat



Ipak, drago mi je da seizmometar dobro radi (kao i naši zadnjih dana), a ovo s temeraturom su napisali sam da se nešto napiše i podaci su loši, nebitni i sporedni.
Čudi me, ali izgleda da im na InSightu temperatura zraka nije presudna. Nisu im podaci reprezentativni.


Ma meni je od samog početka ta ideja "čekičanja" bila čudna. Ako želiš napraviti rupu, probušit ćeš ju svrdlom, a ne "skakavcem". Što ako se ispod nalazi stijena? Dobit ćeš isto to što su i dobili - ništa. *jok*

| Montaža: NEQ-6 PRO GoTo SkyScan | Teleskopi: SkyWatcher MAK 127 / 1500 i Celestron 11 SCT 280 / 2800 |
| Fotoaparati: EOS 450D i 650D | Astrokamere: Astrolumina QHY 5-II-c i ZWO ASI462MC planetary camera |
| Filtri: Baader AstroSolar i Baader UV/IR cut and Luminance | Dvogledi: Panorama 8 x 56 i TS 20 x 90 |
| Lokacija: φ = 45°49'11" N,  λ = 17°21'26" E,  h = 136 m. |

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