RS41 Tracker

Autor DarkoKZ, 27.05.2018. u 07:50:23 sati

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Citat: diego  u 26.05.2018. u 15:05:03 sati
Hi all,

lots of things left to do, but a new version of RS41 Tracker (v1.2) is available at the following address:


005 - Tracking information added. RS41T is now able to provides elevation, bearing, range and Slant range of the received sonde.

004 - Home location is now shown on map using a new marker symbol (settings -> Maps to provide Home coordinates).

003 - New working session automatically starts when a new sonde is received (This allow to handle several RS41s on the same working session without restart software) 

002 - The decoding function doesn't work as expected When Radio control is activated but SDRSharp plugin is not running. Solution:Radio Control Engine reengineered.



Hello Diego !
I leave your new version for night RS41 sonde from Maksimir-Zagreb and this is what I find in morning:

Decoder chrashed, used only audio mixer, no radio control.
OS- win7 64


Hello and sorry for the delay in response.
I never see a behaviour like that before.
The software seems to be crashed at first packet reception.

I have some questions:
1) Have you tried some previous release of RS41T or you have start to test with version 1.2?
2) Have you saved your settings? If so, is  it possible to have a copy of the RS41Tracker.ini file using private message o email ?
    (please consider that if you have set your home location, the coordinates are reported in the INI file)
3) Is it possible your PC moves in standby mode?
4) Could you kindly perform ad additional test to verify if the crash occurs anymore?

Thank you very much for your help and sorry for all these questions...


P.s. If I'm not wrong you are running two instance of the Rs41 tracker (This is not the problem in my opinion).


V 1.1 OK
V 1.0, 1.2, 1,3   "06/01/1980" IS NOT A VALID DATE.


Hello ikuclja2,

The problem is due to and unexpected character in your date format.

Teorically the RS41T is able to use the standard char "/" between days,months, years value.
Probably your format or customization doesn't works well with this conversion.

I Will work on it.

Could you please report your regional customization settings for your operating system?

Hereafter I report mine (italian).




Hi all.
I found the problem location.
A new  feature introduced in the latest releases perform a wrong GPS timer initialization (like the first version did).

The problem is solved with version 1.4

This version will be available for download before midnight.
(Some engineering test occurs..)
Thanks all for the problem reports.

All the best



Hi All,

The release 1.5 of  Rs41 tracker is now available for download  at the following address:

Hereafter the changelog respect to the previous version.

* The measurement units of Vertical speed and wind speed can be choosen between:
       - meters per second,
       - kilometers per hour,
       - knots
* Shortcut for google-maps in browser. This command  show the radiosonde latest position using google map on your favorite browser.
* Radiosonde track can be saved in kml format (and loaded in google earth software for 3D evaluations).
* Support to kml ghost-track. Software is able to load a GPS track file in kml format.
    This feature was introduced to allow real time comparison between the current radiosonde track and the forecast track provided by site
    Of course any "well formatted" kml file can be loaded.
* Bearing resolution increased (tenths added)
* Bearing and Elevation position swapped

* Frequency reported in Radio I/F box was wrongly cleared once new SondeId was found.

That's all.

All the best



Hi All,
The release 1.6 of  Rs41 Tracker is now available for download at the following address:

Hereafter the changelog


  • Software updates check (at startup and on demand).
    The software now it's able to verify if a new software version is available.
    Automatic check at startup can be enabled/disabled into settings section.
    Manual check can be performed using the "check for update" button located in "About" window.
  • Detection of ozone sensor unit.
    Software is now able to detect if an ozone sensor unit is connected to Rs41 radiosonde.
    Information is reported in signal processing section of the main window and it's reported as "Ozone".
    When "Led" il blinking the ozone sensor is present.
  • Ozone sensor telemetries.
    All information related to the ozone sensor telemetries (if present) are now reported.
    The following information are available:
       - Instrument type
       - Instrument #
       - Ozone pump temperature
       - Ozone pump current
       - Ozone Current
       - Internal Battery voltage
       - External Voltage
       - Serial number
       - Software version
       - Diagnostic word
  • Maximum altitude received form a radiosonde is now reported in status bar.
    In case of good signal received (no data loss) this value is is the baloon burst altitude.
  • Introduction of PTU parameters (Pressure, Humidity, dew point)
    Due to lack of information related to PTUs, these parameters have to be considered as an estimation.
    Please see "Telemetries accuracy" chapter of user manual.

All the best



Hi all,
The release 1.7 of Rs41 Tracker is now available for download at the following address:

The following new features was implemented:

  • Precise pressure calculation for Rs41-SGP model.
    A new algo was introduced to calculate the pressure for the SGP model.
    For the Rs41-SG model (without pressure sensor) the reported pressure is currently only related to GPS altitude (work in progress)
  • Antenna Rotor Handler
    Software can handle an AZ/EL antenna rotor in order to track Rs41 Radiosonde.
    Supported protocols are:
       - Yaesu GS232a/GS232b
       - Window Registry (position provided by means of two windows registry keys to support customizations)
    In addition to automatic tracking mode, it's also possible to set antenna position by means of:
       - preset values
       - manual set of Az/El Values.
  • RS41 Telemetry export
    The software is now able to save telemetry in csv format.Saved fields (when availables) are:
    Time, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Sats used, Wind Speed (m/s), Wind Dir (deg), Vertical Speed (m/s), Temperature(deg), Pressure (Hpa), Humidity (%), Dew point (deg)
  • Improvement of "Load RS41 RAW data file" function
    A control panel is added in order to regulate the processing speed of the RAW file.
    Following speeds are introduced: Max, 8x, 4x, 1x, 0.5x, Stop.
    Speed Labels can be clicked in order to quick set the related value.
    File processing can be terminated pressing the related button in control panel.
  • Maximum wind speed received from a radiosonde is now reported in status bar.
    This value is referenced with related altitude and wind direction.

Software stuck when received preamble data is located in a particular data buffer location.

Due to the fact I don't own an Antenna rotor I'm trying  to create one using a 3D printer.
Project requirements were:portability, lightweight, wireless connection (Bluetooth), 12V power supply.

The first working prototype was used to develop the rotor handler software and it's currently used in my radiosonde tracking.
Once completed I will provide documentations on Radiosonde site.

A short demonstration video can be found here.

That's all. Sorry for the long post.

Best 73's to all

IW1GIS - Diego


Hello Diego
Im using your decoder for RS41 all the time, works fine but last week it had problems with "loading maps"
today it cant load any map, so google stopped that option you use in it.

I want to ask you long time ago, what with maps when you are on field tracking and no internet connection?
Must add some option with calibrated pictures as maps if that is possible.

Best regards !



Hello Darko and all,
sorry for the delay in response but I missed your post.

Unfortunately problems with map downloading are due to google maps servers.
They change the maps usage policy .. basically google maps are no more free to use for softwares and websites.
So they are playing with deny of service when a map request occurs (sometimes works.. others not).

Calibrated pictures could be a solution but in this period I worked on a different approach more simple for users.
I created a brand new map engine based on OpenStreetMap instead of Google Maps.
The engine is able to locally save maps so once you have downloaded a map you can use it without internet access.
respect to the previous version you can also drag maps using mouse.
Autocenter function is also present (like previous version).

New map engine is very complex (from software programming point of view) and probably is not "bug free" :-) but for sure it 's free from Google Maps problems.

New release is available from today at the following address.

Please let me known.

73's to all

IW1GIS Diego


Hi all.
A new release of rs41 tracker is now available for download at the following address:

New features:
- bidirectional connection to APRS server (it's now possibile to send radiosonde position to APRS but it''s also possibile to see on map and track positions of all available radiosonde on APRS).
- full screen mode
- additional data are now available on exported csv file
-ghost mode restored

Problem solved:
- wrong reporting of o3 pump temperatures when negative values occurs.

Best 73''s to all

IW1GIS Diego


Za one koji kroste win7/10 os i neki od UHF prijemnika za sonde, nova verzija RS41 Tracker je već duže vrijeme dostupna.
V 1.14 (18/07/2020) -----------------------------------------------------------
063 - Multiple maps.It's now possibile to operate software using two different type of map (OpenStreetMap and OpenTopoMap)
062 - Map Downloder tool:it allows to pre-download a map area at different zoom levels (allowing to works in offline mode later).
061 - APRS:New filtering algo was introduced in order to discard APRS data received from non-realtime stations   
060 - APRS:Sonde position sent to APRS server is now mirrored on map (using a different symbol color)
059 - APRS:Transmission of current home position on map as IGate node (introduced as option)
058 - Antenna rotor handler now supports EasyComm protocol and a simplified RAW protocol
057 - In main window the latest received subframe number is now highlighted
056 - Map Zoom-in/zoom-out using mouse wheel
055 - Maximum com# for GPS-IN interface increased

Odličan softver za dekodiranje RS41 sondi !!

🡱 🡳